/cb/ - CyberCrime

We be l33t haxors
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Hacktivism is just a bunch of wannabe anarchists trying to play hero. It's cringe and ineffective.
But let's be real, most of these so-called hacktivists are just script kiddies with too much time on their hands. They're not making any real change.
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It's not hard to larp as a hacktivist. and it's cringe, even feds doesn't take hacktivism seriously, cuz it's not serious,


nah you gotta think about what you said again look up siegedsec



gay furry hackers that are useless and who uses stealer logs, and act cool, hmmm no that is not hacking


-Julian Assange: Founder of WikiLeaks, hacktivist ??? .

-Edward Snowden: Not a hacker, but a whistleblower who leaked classified NSA documents, hacktivist ???.

-Aaron Swartz: Co-founder of Reddit and activist for internet freedom ( <3 ).

-Anonymous: A decentralized hacktivist collective known for various cyber operations against governments, corporations, and institutions ( using cringyyyy ddos isn't good )….

-Jeremy Hammond: Former member of Anonymous and LulzSec, known for hacking into various government and
corporate websites ( much better than anonymozzzzZzz go sleep haha ).

-Chelsea Manning: Former US Army soldier who leaked classified documents to WikiLeaks, revealing human rights abuses and other controversial information, activist:)


all of them are cringy as hell

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we fucking allow ransomware niggas


hmmm targets ?

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chans are full of glowies

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Tor chan

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Womp womp nigga vio you a pedo


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he will kill him self at the end


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this is vio rn

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Hell yeaah 💀

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