/Tech/ - Tech

talk about tech here
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Our only rules are: don't spam and don't post anything related to cp, or we will cut your balls.

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Compile your kernel
Compile repos instead of downloading them
Takes long hours
It's gentoo

File: 1713689065204.webm (1.98 MB, 748x718, 5Ib6Z__QgEaHx0w2.webm)


an other day and other terry davis rip

File: 1713618708065.webm (1.76 MB, 576x320, video_2024-04-20_16-57-58.webm)


an other terry a davis edit ):

File: 1713618627212.webm (1.27 MB, 640x360, video_2024-04-20_16-57-41.webm)



is collage worth as a learning source

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when you master scamming lmao

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this thread is now owned by the United States of America

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File Signature Shenanigans: Tricking Servers with Crafty Uploads

In this article, you will learn:

File signatures (magic bytes) and their significance in identifying file types.
The process of crafting a file with a valid signature but a different extension.
Tricking the server into processing files as something else.

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